Should Your Next Ecommerce Platform Be “Best Of Breed” Or “Best Of Suite?”

To deliver on the modern B2B buyer’s expectations you need a world class Ecommerce platform. But to get there, you can EITHER buy an all-in-one solution that includes the functionality you need OR you can assemble the key components on your own.

With millions in investment dollars and irrecoverable time on the line, which path should you choose?

Do pre-integrated features get you far enough down the path to success OR should you invest in integrating point solutions to deliver a digital value proposition that beats competitors?

Is Out-Of-The-Box Or A Custom Solution The Right Path For B2b Ecommerce Success?

  • What are the critical components to producing a modern, compelling Ecommerce solution?
  • How do you compare the Time To Market (TTM) of each approach?
  • What are the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) considerations?
  • Where do composable commerce and headless commerce factor into the equation?
  • What role do Systems Integrators (SIs) play in the integration and maintenance process?

Join Andy and Brian and a panel of industry experts on January 26th at 2 p.m. ET as they debate these critical issues and share actionable takeaways for industry practitioners.

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