Double Down or Hunker Down: Which Strategy Will Drive Higher B2B Ecommerce ROI in 2023?

If you’ve taken even a cursory glance at the news lately, you’ve noticed story after story about layoffs in the tech industry and cutbacks in marketing, especially in digital. 

But are cutbacks the only approach to managing through an uncertain economic future?

On February 22nd, two teams of B2B eCommerce practitioners will enter the Master B2B ring to duke it out over the best approach to driving ROI this year – should you double down or hunker down? Best of all, at the end YOU will get to decide who won!

  • Should companies invest more in technology, now that costs have dropped, or should they wring even more value out of what they’ve already got?


  • Should you hire more of the impressive talent now available to you given widespread layoffs at other companies, or should you remain flexible through outsourcing or upskilling your current team?

  • Should you aggressively move into new channels like marketplaces, or should you expand in your current channels so you don’t introduce new risk?

  • As Andy likes to say, should you “go out to a fancy dinner” or should you “go shopping in your fridge” when thinking about all your investments in 2023.


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