The only private community for B2B ecommerce

Get answers to your burning questions, build your professional network, and master the world of B2B ecommerce with the Master B2B Forum

Trusted by executives from top global B2B companies


Join other B2B ecommerce leaders in a vendor-free online network

The forum is free to join, but the conversations are invaluable.

Gireesh Sahukar

Vice President, Digital

Dawn Foods

This community of practitioners and experts who have highly relevant experiences is one I can reliably turn to for advice on the challenges I face.

Brooke Logan

Master B2B Events


See seasoned industry experts debate the key issues in B2B ecommerce in a no-holds-barred format. Andy and Brian cut through vendor sales pitches and get to the core of the issues that make a difference in ecommerce. Best of all, you get to vote on the winner of each debate.


Andy and Brian often come across widely held beliefs in B2B ecommerce that need to be debunked.  In our new Mythbusters series, we put an industry expert on the hot seat to answer the tough questions about why the myth doesn’t hold up to reality.  And sometimes, they are wrong! Best of all, you get to grill the expert too during these interactive virtual Mythbusters sessions.

Executive Roundtables

Invite-only Roundtables hosted by Andy Hoar and Brian Beck.

Network with and learn from a small group of industry executives and experts in these high-impact 90 minute conversations on the hottest topics in B2B ecommerce.

The Team Behind Master B2B

Andy Hoar

Co-Founder, Master B2B

❝ We started Master B2B because practitioners need a place to share hard-earned lessons while gaining outside perspectives with their peers who’ve ‘been there, and done that. ❞

Brian Beck

Co-Founder, Master B2B

❝ Empowering practitioners to WIN through career-advancing connections, content, and private access to the best of the best in B2B ecommerce is what Master B2B is all about. ❞

By joining the Master B2B Forum you get unprecedented access to confidential conversations with your peers